BOSCH: The Bosch engines were one of the first mid-mounted engines to be produced on a large scale. Thanks to their reliability and high performances they become very popular to the point that today they are the engines of choice for more than 50 e-bike manufacturers. It is not a surprise that the first tuning to be produced were designed to unlock these Bosch motors.
The first engine produced was the Bosch Classic Line (Gen1) up to 2014. The Gen2 engines Active Line and Performance Line (produced from 2014) and the Performance Line CX (from 2015). The Gen3 engines Active Line Plus were first produced in 2017. The latest Gen4 engines Performance Line (+ CX) have been produced since 2020 and do have an integrated anti-tuning measure. All Bosch engines (Gen2, 3, and 4) from Firmware version onwards do require a tuning kit that can override the Bosch anti-tuning measures.
BOSCH: The Bosch engines were one of the first mid-mounted engines to be produced on a large scale. Thanks to their reliability and high performances they become very popular to the point that today they are the engines of choice for more than 50 e-bike manufacturers. It is not a surprise that the first tuning to be produced were designed to unlock these Bosch motors.
The first engine produced was the Bosch Classic Line (Gen1) up to 2014. The Gen2 engines Active Line and Performance Line (produced from 2014) and the Performance Line CX (from 2015). The Gen3 engines Active Line Plus were first produced in 2017. The latest Gen4 engines Performance Line (+ CX) have been produced since 2020 and do have an integrated anti-tuning measure. All Bosch engines (Gen2, 3, and 4) from Firmware version onwards do require a tuning kit that can override the Bosch anti-tuning measures.
In 2022 Bosch released the new Bosch Gen4 Smart System which Bosch call it the "BES3" and stands for "Bosch Ebike System 3". For the general public, the new Bosch Smart System is also known as the Bosch Gen5. The main focus on the development of the BES3 was to expand into the digital e-bike smart networking system. In fact, the new engine is compatible with the" eBike Flow App" with the KIOX 300 display.
ENGINE PLUGS COMPATIBILITY: The new 2022 Bosch Smart System comes with completely new engine plugs which are rounded in shape. The previous generation of Bosch engines does have squared engine plugs and therefore are NOT compatible with the new Smart System motor ports.
MAGNET ON THE AIR-VALVE: As for today, there are no tuning available for the Bosch System with the MAGNET on the AIR-Valve. Surely, the tuning manufacturers are working on a solution for this system. Just subscribe to our FaceBook group for updates on the release of tuning compatible with the magnet on the air-valve.

Ebikes Parts and Accessories has in store the most popular and reliable tunings on the today market compatible with all Bosch Classic Line, Active Line, Performance Line, Performance Line CX, Active Line Plus, Performance Line (+ CX), Bosch Gen4 Smart System BES3, engines.
The SpeedBox is a popular tuning brand well known in the electric bike tuning industry. Indeed, SpeedBox Bosch tunings are available and compatible with all Bosch motors and models on today market, including the latest 2022 Bosch Smart System motors with the KIOX 300 display. But there is more to add to the Bosch list of tunings since in 2019 SpeedBox released the more advanced B.Tuning series of tunings that connects with your mobile phone via Bluetooth connectivity. With the SpeedBox phone app now you can switch the engine on/off, lock the motor, save and share your trip data, monitor the speed, distance travelled, max speed, cadence, battery level, and much more.
Another excellent tuning is the VOLspeed which has been on the market for very long time and are well known for their reliability and unique features. Indeed, with the VOLspeed apart from setting up the maximum assisted speed to improve battery consumption you can also adjust the engine behaviour for a smoother engine engagement and disengagement and thus improved handling capabilities on technical terrains. All this features can be programmed via the keys on the display.
SpeedFun was one of the first manufacturer of tuning on the market. For the Bosch motor we do have the SpeedFun advanced Bosch tuning which retains the speed accuracy for speeds even above the 60 km/h and can be activated and deactivated by a pressing a key sequence on the display.
Then, there is ePlus the most advanced Bosch tuning on the market. Indeed, thanks to the phone app you can switch off and lock the tuning, lock the motor (theft protection), and set the torque for each engine power mode.
The badassBox is a contactless tuning box that simply slide over the speed sensor and it is installed / removed in just a few clicks. badassBox Bosch models are compatible with several speed sensor shapes and speed sensor location on the rear sub-frame. Please check your bicycle speed sensor setup before choosing the badassbox model suitable with your bike configuration.
the MBIQ is a tuning that operates via a micro-controller processor. The MBIQ tunings are the smallest tuning if compared to the other tunings on the market. Due to this property, the electronics that operates the tuning are directly incapsulated into the speed sensor which makes the tuning completely invisible. The MBIQ are programmable and thus the tuning can be activated and deactivated and also programmed for setting up the max speed assist by just following a sequence of wheel rotations.
TUNINGS FOR BOSCH Classic Line, Active Line, Performance Line, Performance Line CX, Active Line Plus, Performance Line (+ CX)

Before ordering, check if the crank pedal has to be removed to access the engine ports. For this particular setting, we have created a tuning kits that includes a crank puller for free.
Speedbox 3.0 Bosch Completely remove the speed limitation. Retains speedometer accuracy, max assisted speed can be programmed via the display keys.
Speedbox 3.0 B.TUNING Bosch Phone connectivity, engine on/off, lock the motor, save and share your trip data, monitor the speed, distance travelled, max speed, cadence, battery level, and much more. Completely remove the speed limitation
VOLspeed 4 Bosch Retains speedometer accuracy, max assisted speed can be programmed, engine behaviour optimisation. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 45 km/h
SpeedFun Bosch Advanced Tuning Retains speedometer accuracy even above the 60 km/h and can be activated and deactivated by a pressing a key sequence on the display.
Eplus Bosch Advanced Tuning Completely remove the speed limitation. One of the most advanced tuning for the Bosch motor thanks to the phone app you can activate and deactivate the tuning, lock the tuning to prevent unauthorised riders to ride the bike derestricted, lock the motor (theft protection), and set the torque for each engine power mode.
badassbox 4 Bosch Compatible with the Bosch system with the magnet on the wheel spoke. The badassBox is the easiest tuning to install and remove since it slides over the speed sensor. The whole installing procedure does not take more than 1-2 minutes. Does not retain speed accuracy. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 50 km/h
badassBox 4 Bosch Slim Sensor Compatible with the Bosch system with the magnet integrated on the brake rotor and the speed sensor integrated into the fork-end. This configuration requires the removal of the rear wheel and to to move the speed sensor on the chain-stay. The whole installing procedure should not take more than 5 -10 minutes. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 50 km/h. Instructions for the installation can be found here badassBox 4 Bosch Slim Sensor
badassBox 4 Bosch G4-Set Compatible with the Bosch system with the magnet integrated on the brake rotor and the speed sensor integrated into the fork-end. This configuration requires the removal of the rear wheel and to to move the speed sensor on the chain-stay. The whole installing procedure should not take more than 5 -10 minutes. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 50 km/h. Instructions for the installation can be found here badassBox 4 Bosch G4-Set
badassBox 4 Bosch X-Set 2020 Compatible with the Bosch system with the magnet integrated on the brake rotor and the speed sensor integrated into the fork-end. This configuration requires the removal of the rear wheel and to to move the speed sensor on the chain-stay. The whole installing procedure should not take more than 5 -10 minutes. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 50 km/h. Instructions for the installation can be found here badassBox 4 Bosch X-Set 2020
MBIQ-S Bosch The travelled speed is displayed halved. The tuning is hidden within the speed sensor unit. Installation require the replacement of the speed sensor wire / unit and the whole installation process should not take more than 10 minutes.
MBIQ-P Bosch The travelled speed is displayed halved. A very small tuning that is hidden within the engine compartment. the max assisted speed can be programmed thought a sequence of wheel rotations.
The Bosch Smart System is a more complex and advanced drive unit than its predecessor which does not allows to program the tuning to communicate with the engine software as for previous engine. For this main reason, the displayed speed will be inaccurate with the basic tuning method. If the accuracy of the speedometer is important for you then the only tuning solution available is the SpeedBox B.tuning version which display the correct travelled speed directly on your mobile phone.

Speedbox 1.0 Bosch Completely remove the speed limitation. Retains speedometer accuracy, max assisted speed can be programmed. Max
Speedbox 1.0 B.TUNING Bosch Phone connectivity, engine on/off, lock the motor, save and share your trip data, monitor the speed, distance travelled, max speed, cadence, battery level, and much more. Completely remove the speed limitation
SpeedFun Smart System Again, the SpeedFun were the first to release a tuning for the new Bosch Smart System. Completely remove the speed limitation of your engine.
badassBox 4 Bosch Slim Sensor Compatible with the Bosch system with the magnet integrated on the brake rotor and the speed sensor integrated into the fork-end. This configuration requires the removal of the rear wheel and to to move the speed sensor on the chain-stay. The whole installing procedure should not take more than 5 -10 minutes. Maximum assisted speed is limited to 50 km/h. Instructions for the installation can be found here badassBox 4 Bosch Slim Sensor
If you are still unsure which tuning is compatible with your engine just send us a message via our website chat box. We are here to help you out!